The Primordial Fear - Sandy's Mondays

The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s never-ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 52

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case.  

Note: If squeamish, don’t read or re-read today’s entry.

The Primordial Fear

Shaking from fear. Visited a store, freaking out. A sixteen-year-old store cashier scanned my things, their hands shook, their eyes expelled tears and their nose dripped. Novulus Cevertuli? A diseased cashier? Gobbled up by the darkness of the invisible particle, I dragged myself to the car as though I lost everything. 

I remembered governments' announcements over their speaker phones about the outbreak. Police drive around in their cars, monitoring the areas. Everything circulated into a mash. Was I the target now? Would they think I have the particle? The disease that consumes all in its path? 

On the way home, I realized that the cashier may have thought that I had the Novulus. Maybe that's why they were imploding and freaking out, just like me. Maybe the cashier was healthy, I hoped. 

Novulus Cevertuli is still taking people and animals to the other side… No vaccine in the vicinity. 
It says that people with underlying diseases and disorders have worse effects. I read the news again and became consumed in primordial feelings of fear. 

An update: 

This time Rheumatologist wanted to check my spine - I knew something was wrong with my back due to childhood trauma caused of course by you know who Journal, the authority figures. You know about it, I described how it happened already. 

Over the phone, the Rheumatologist announced that the x-rays came back showing that my spine is fused. Aha, after so many decades a doctor said what it was. 

Back as a child, Children's Hospital said that it was nothing and even skipped doing an x-ray, they just said I don't exercise enough or something. Now, my journal knows that the gym is my enemy, so I looked at them as though they were on drugs.  Them, fools, had no idea what they were saying, just pointing in the air. 

The x-ray is foolproof. It is hard evidence of what happened many decades ago. 

Other tests that were pretty bad last time (from A to Z) were negative this time. I stood up while talking on the phone and declared myself healthy and chose to never visit another doctor again. :) "Good, I will not need a doctor for another fifty years," I put the phone down.

Journal, take a deep breath so that The Earth will slow down its rotation. Celebrate every moment, every second, and live life long. 

Let's all have a good new year and holidays.

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