Not Friends - Sandy's Monday

 The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s Never-Ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 25

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case.  

Not Friends

broken frienship
Not friends with Chubaka. 

There is always a tipping point with a narcissist, covert or overt.  So here is how it ended over the weekend.

Chubaka texted, “Your artistic flare sucks.”

I asked in my text reply, “Why would you say that my artistic flare sucks?”

Chubaka texted me, “The youtube is very interesting.”

I asked, “What youtube?”

Chubaka texted me, “I don’t know what you mean?”

I copy pasted Chubaka's text and asked again.

Chubaka replied, “Stop patronizing me. Go criticize someone else.”

I texted, “Chubaka, you have hurt my feeling by texting me that ‘my artistic flare suck’ Please apologize or don’t text me anymore.”

Chubaka texted, “Go find someone else to patronize.”

That was it.

I know it was a deliberate jab at me.  I wish Chubaka well, though.  My last words on that matter are that I was able to help Chubaka during her hard times, and I am ok with it. I'm pretty mellow, and there is something about a goose or a duck and water off one's back. 

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