A Reflection - Sandy's Mondays

 The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s never-ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 49

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case.  

A Reflection


So, as it started quickly, so did it end quickly.  A flower that bloomed and wilted the next day, me looking at the last autumn flower leaf flying into the the sky – lifted by air streams.  That was a metaphor for the relationship.

I only wanted one relationship in my life, for the rest of my life - and it ended up like a smudge of dirt. 

By that time I was 34, and it felt like I did something, but never got anywhere. It was my first and only relationship too. It’s like when a hamster runs on its wheel, doing a lot of work and exercise, but at the end of the day, the hamster is still in the same place.  

Forget about having one relationship for the rest of my life idea.  It was very stupid of me to think about it. So now, I could say that my only relationship was six months long and I almost got married in the process. I bet Self Absorb felt guilty for cheating and to counter it, he asked to marry me - there was no logic to it at all, or I did not see any. 

Is it the kind of marriage, where people get a few kids, then ten years later divorce and then look for new partners? Does it work like that? Good, I ended it before spending 10 years being unhappy. I also did a favour to Self Absorb, he was clearly miserable with me.

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