Ricollo's Picture - Sandy's Mondays

  The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s Never-Ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 29

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case.  

Ricollo's Picture

ricollo's organs

Ricollo sent me a picture via e-mail.

There was something pink and I didn’t know what it was. Wearing my corrective glasses, I had a closer look...

Ricollo chose to e-mail me a picture of something pink? There were no messages associated with the picture, and the main objective was unclear. I quickly concluded that maybe it was a metaphor for how sorry he felt when he started yelling at me. I know, it's because he didn't buy me a coffee, so he started acting out. I remembered running away in tears. 

Now for an apology, I would have preferred the actual words, not pictures. I wondered if Ricollo was okay, calling for an emergency was useless. Just in case, I've checked his presence on his Linkedin - he updated his picture on there, which meant, no need to worry. Ricollo was alive and well.

I deleted his e-mail, and since there were no words included in the e-mail, there were no reasons for a reply.   

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