TV Binge - Sandy's Mondays


The Whisperer of the Abyss:
Sandy’s never-ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 8

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case. 

TV Binge

TV Binge
Watched TV the whole weekend.  I even had dreams about the television shows that I watched.  Just like… I think I am getting too old for the television box.  I watched Rick and Morty a few series on YouTube.  Got Rick’s flavour of life.  Anything was going wrong today, I was like, “yup,” and when things were not going wrong, I was like, “wait for it,” and squinting my eyes.

One customer was mad about delivery dates, and I was like, "yup." Called Rhubarb seven times about the updates, he's the production manager who knows nothing. Then Usman commented how the day was going well today, and I was like, wait for it... Moments later, he was running to his mega office, and I heard him screaming and yelling in his native language. I was like, yup, everything goes as usual. 

Another customer, Yukaza, was yelling that production kept losing his parts all the time. Come to think of it, I was thinking of another possibility. Maybe, just maybe, the production used Yukaza's parts for other projects, but there is no way for me to verify it. 

I watched Rhubarb all happy walking up the stairs, a big smile stretched. I thought to myself, wait for it, Few minutes later, I received an angry phone call from Yukaza about his parts. After about thirty minutes I was picking up paperwork from the warehouse and noticed Rhubarb's white face. I thought, yup! Yukaza visited Rhubarb to check on his parts for his projects. Apparently, he yelled at Rhubarb for good ten minutes. Then I was thinking, Pay Back Time! 

One way or another I watched too much tv. So I sighed to slow down the Earth's rotation. When people feel happy, the Earth spins slower and thus time goes slower too. That's my theory. Hey, even if it's not true, I'd like to think it's true. 

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