The Driving Test - Sandy's Mondays


The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s Never-Ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 12

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case. 

The Driving Test

driving test and cars

The driving test was today. I have done the driving test for G2 9 times.  

One time the instructor hit the brakes, and the car jolted a mile forward, and that's why I failed. The other time, the instructor told me that because it was my first time doing the test, she could not pass me, and that was the reason. The third instructor kept staring at my cheap silver ring and did not pass me because of that. I developed a fear and froze at all stop signs for longer than needed. Each time there were silly reasons that made no sense to me. 

Sitting behind the wheel, listening to the instructor shout incoherent mumblings. All I knew was that I had to do things with the car. Push the button here, twist the knob, and push the pedal with my left foot and right one too. 

Everything turned dark, my hands shook, and cold sweat covered my face as I followed the instructions. I gulped loudly and breathed like a running horse who ran while twisting its leg against granules of sand. The words spilled from the instructor's mouth, and I begged myself to follow the incoherent jumble of words. 

While driving on the road, I panicked. In my mind, I was begging the instructor person to take over the driving. 

Then the instructor sighed with annoyance exuding all over the place. 

 The world turned from 3-D to flat.

"Yup," I said it out loud, by accident. 

The instructor sighed and glared at me. 

 I cut through the reactions and annoyances and the instructor's glances at the watch.

The instructor said, "You are doing good."

I kept quiet, with only a few scattered thoughts now, waiting for it.

I passed on the 10th time and was so surprised. The instructor told me what to do, and I did just that.

The other times, I did as the instructor told me, and one of the instructors started yelling that they forgot about the turn, so I had to make a safe turn in a rush - it was a jumble. A hazy memory of the past. At least now, I have a good memory of passing with flying colours.


Brand new car, or slightly used one, here I come! 

I am an automotive, safe driving, motor vehicle driver. "Roads and streets hear me roar on my new-to-be car."

I missed half a day of work to do the test. 

Everyone at work knew I was doing the driving test this morning. 

It was unnaturally quiet at work. I have processed a few purchase orders, distributed a few papers, answered 25 emails and gone home. I never expected that from 12 pm to 4:30 pm, the day seemed to be extremely short. 

It gets noisy in the mornings and slows down after twelve, but still busy throughout the day. I don’t understand why it was so quiet today. The production, warehouse, and shipping levels were stagnant.

Then a realization hit me. When I am at work, co-workers feel like they must do work, and when I am away, everyone is dramatically lazy. Today no one noticed that I was back. Who knew I influenced the environment in such a way? 

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