Meeting with Ricollo - Sandy's Mondays


 The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s Never-Ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 16

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case.  

Meeting with Ricollo

Meeting Ricollo

This weekend was a date with Ricollo. He and I agreed to meet at a local mall. In e-mails, he presented himself as a calm, kind person. 

I had to browse through a few stores and got there early, and bought myself a coffee. Ricollo showed up with a bandaged arm and hand. We sat down for a second. I drank my coffee from before - note to self; he never offered me a coffee. Something was bound to go wrong. 

A reminder: 

When a man does not pay for a coffee on a date, he blows up because he feels useless. 

Meeting Ricollo was okay. He kept apologizing about his hand, and I had to explain that it was all right multiple times. 

While starting up a conversation, Ricollo freaked out that I was not too fond of driving cars and cars themselves. Maybe he felt like that because he was a car salesman. 

In the next few seconds, Ricollo exploded with yelling because he did not buy me a coffee. I didn’t know what or why he was saying, what he was saying. Everything became a jumble. He continued to yell at me, and I ran straight home. He shouted at me with his e-mails, “I see your true colours, Sandy! I see your true colours!” 

I cried for two hours; my mascara leaked. 

Ricollo expressed himself not in the best way. This should have been basic knowledge to him since he boasted in his previous e-mails about his psychology degree from Ryerson. 

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