A Story About My Back - Sandy's Monday

The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s Never-Ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 23

Fiction that's based on real life.  All names were changed, just in case.  

WARNING: If you are squirmish about real-life situations, please read other articles - not this one. 

WARNING: Don't Do what Authority Figures Did. People go to Jail for it!

You may want to read Air Head Day - Sandy's Mondays https://sparrow-publishing.blogspot.com/2022/09/airhead-day.html

A Story About My Back 

Who broke my spine

Why is my spine fused? Well, I still remember it like it was yesterday. 

Long story short, authorities' filth had travelled from their dirty hands into my stomach wall, causing infection (peritonitis).

My stomach ached terribly for months. All the while, my authority figures at home said it was probably appendicitis and waited for me to pass due to it bursting; they often exchanged glances with each other while laughing. 

Lucky for me, I stayed with my grandparents during the workdays, and my grandmother noticed something was wrong with me. I kept vomiting and felt unwell. 

My grandmother was worried and asked, "Do you need to go to the hospital?" 

She was the one who made sense, and she was an adult so here was my chance to save myself. A three-year-old toddler, me, knowing I was in pain for months (more than one month), "Off to The Hospital!" I replied, as my fever reached 40C on the underarm thermometer.

"Should I call your mother or your father," My grandmother asked. 

The authority figures, I thought. Nooooooooo! By that time, I knew they were crazy. 

"My father," I replied to her. The authority figure was my grandmother's son.

Her son refused to pick me up and take me to the hospital. His excuse was that his manager would not let him, but in an emergency, his manager would have, and I knew her son was full of lies. 

My grandmother had nothing to do but call the female authority figure next. It was before noon. The authority female figure arrived around 4 pm, and her work finished at 2:30 pm. It should have taken her to get to my grandparents' place in 1 hour via public transportation. Where was she for another extra 30 min? Then the ambulance arrived at 5 pm, and I was at the hospital by 6 pm, where I continued to vomit and had a fever of 42C with an underarm thermometer. 

Right after my surgery, I felt much better, but somehow, my authority-figure female from home emerged, kissed me on my face, and wished me to expire. Seconds later, I was rushed to the critical care section of the hospital and stayed there unconscious for all ten days. I had one week for my giant scar to heal once I woke up again. The surgeon had no idea why my condition deteriorated because all was fine before the authority figure emerged. Who let her there?

I had a surprise waiting for my return from the hospital. My authority figures, male and female, took me out of my crib bed (I was three years old) to the hallway of their rented apartment, which their parents paid for over 7 years (they paid for the rent and utilities). The authority figure female stripped the bed of blanket, sheets, pillow, and mattress. And, their setup was ready. 

They always said that they were planning twenty years into the future, and planning, cunning they were. And they probably still are. These types of people never change. 

An authority figure male threw me in the air and hit me right in my heart. I remembered nothing after one time. Since I was not the only child living with authority figures, they later told me I was hit multiple times in my chest, not making any sound.

I woke up with my back aching, the thick wooden bed plank broke into two pieces, and my body slid toward the lower side of the broken bed plank. My back ached, but I made no sound, not to attract authorities or give them satisfaction. I remember moving my limbs to check if I was paralyzed.

The authority figure female summoned herself to the room. She laughed and said with a great smile, "You don't deserve soft bedding, pillow or mattress." Her eyes ran with her craziness and hyper-over-excitement. Back then, I knew she was in a manic state together with her husband, but I could not coin the term. Now, I say, two maniacs for sure. 

I questioned why she was laughing - this did not make sense or looked normal. I was glad the authority figure female left the room after her announcement. At that point, I just wanted her to evacuate the room. I did not care about the words she spat. They are boomers, thinking everything they do is right and everyone else is wrong. 

I remember they often kicked me out to the streets since I could ever remember, even as early as I was two years old. They told me they would bring me into a mental institution and get rid of me for good. Often I imagined myself having normal parents.

My grandparents were my parents. 

After the back injury that day, I struggled and now struggle to do various exercises, including walking with a straight back and walking in general. Standing, sitting, or doing anything causes back pain. My back hurts even now, many decades later. As the person ages, these problems only get worse. I now need to wear a back brace and require people to pick me up when I fall since I cannot stand up again from the pain. That was the gift from my authority figures when I was three years old, and it keeps giving. 
